
A collection of some cool projects that I've been a part of. Titles are hyperlinked where available.

ONGOING: ETF Sales Dashboard for JPMC with HKUST

2023 September - Present

Designing a Global ETF Sales Dashboard for our corporate sponsor JPMC. Applying Python data analysis and natural language processing to summarize information from news/social medi aand showcase alongside relevant quantitative metrics for competitive analysis.

ONGOING: Linux Dotfiles

2021 June - Present

Active configuration of my Linux Laptops 'dotfiles' or configuration/system files. Click the title for a link to my GitHub repository! I encourage you to give my config a shot and make it your own. Tools used include Python, C(++), LaTeX, Bash/Shell, Lua, Git, and Linux.

Project Melo Roundtables

2023 January - 2023 June

As a 2023 Project Melo Fellow, worked with a team of 3 other fellows to create a series of roundtables events to be broadcated by SCMP. Working intimmately with Bernard Chan (Chairman of M+), Alan Lau (CBO at Animoca brands), Kenny Lam (CEO of TwoSigma APAC), Louisa Mak (Miss Hong Kong 2015), and more key industry leaders in Hong Kong.

hackUST Organising Committee

2022 November - 2023 March

Worked with the HKUST Entrepreneurship Center as part of the organising committee for hackUST 2023, the largest hackathon in the Greater China region.

Intelligent Python Trading Algorithm

2022 July - 2022 December

Due to receiving exceptional grades in HKUST’s Introduction to Python course, I was invited to partake in a course where I independently pursue a stock, finance, or market-based python project. I created and iterated on a machine-learning based python trading algorithm analysing Google Trends that resulted in a consistent profit. Subsequently I authored a report (linked) detailing my process and findings. The report was graded and received an A+. Tools used include Python, TensorFlow, Jupyter, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn and Matplotlib

Engineering and Software Deployment of Neural-Network driven Ultrasound Machine

2022 January

At Bloom Standard while working as a Software and Electrical engineering intern, I worked with the CTO to produce a working prototype of a handheld user-driven ultrasound for infants based on the open source pocovidnet neural network engine. The device is currently being used in hospital trials in the United Kingdom, India, and Mexico.

Sunshine Action Website

2019 - 2021

During the start of the pandemic, I independently designed and coded a functional, secure, and robust event management system through a website & database for a charity founder. Used HTML, CSS, PHP, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, and Git.